Setup guide
Last updated
Last updated
Creating a network for your Minecraft server protection service is easy and straightforward. Simply click the "Create Network" button, and you'll be prompted to enter a name for your network. Once you've entered the name, simply click "validate" to complete the process.
After creating a network for your Minecraft server, you'll have access to an overview of your network that includes important information such as the number of online players, the players limit, the number of domains and backends associated with the network, the current usage status, and the estimated cost based on the last 24 hours. Additionally, you'll also be able to view the next payment date for your network. With this comprehensive overview of your network, you can stay informed about your server's performance and usage.
To enable players to connect to your Minecraft server through Infinity-Filter, you'll need to associate a domain with our service. To do this, simply log in to your domain management service and create a TXT record with the value provided in the control panel. This simple process allows you to link your domain with our Minecraft server protection service, enabling your players to connect seamlessly and securely.
When creating a TXT record to associate a domain with our Minecraft server protection service, be sure to use the root domain name rather than a subdomain. For example, if your domain is "", the name of the TXT record should be "@" if supported, or "".
Once you added the TXT record, you can add the domains in Infinity-Filter panel.
When using SRV records to associate your domain with our Minecraft server protection service, be sure to include the root domain as well as any other domains that your players might use to connect to your server. This will ensure that all possible domains are properly linked with our service, and that your players can connect seamlessly and securely
Free plan is not supporting SRV records because you need to add at least 2 domains in Infinity-Filter.
After adding your domain in the Infinity-Filter control panel, you'll need to create additional records to enable your players to connect to your Minecraft server. To do this, simply go to your DNS manager and create a new CNAME record.
As of right now, we provide 3 locations :
Canada -
France -
Germany -
When choosing a location for your Minecraft server protection service, it's important to select the location closest to your backend server. This will ensure that your players experience the lowest possible latency, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.
If you are using Cloudflare make sure to disable the orange cloud
Here is an example of a CNAME record pointing to the Germany location :
Once you have successfully created a domain and associated it with Infinity-Filter, the next step is to add a backend server to our service to forward your players. To do this, simply open the Network menu on the left-hand side of the control panel and navigate to the Backend page.
To add a backend server, simply click on the "Add Backend" button and provide the IP address and port number of your backend server. If you are using a server with a proxy such as BungeeCord or Velocity, be sure to only provide the IP address and port number of the proxy, rather than the IP addresses and port numbers of the individual spigot servers.
If you host your Minecraft server using a dynamic IP and rely on a DynDNS service, please contact our support team to enable the use of DynDNS as a backend server. Currently, the control panel does not support this feature.
To add a Minecraft Java backend, simply specify the IP address and port number of your server and click the "Add" button.
Once you have added a backend server to our Minecraft server protection service, incoming requests that are sent to your domain will automatically be forwarded to the backend server that you have specified.
Please follow this page to link your Geyser server to Infinity-Filter.
By default, we recommend using our plugin in your proxy / spigot server. To get started, simply download the plugin from the Domain page in Infinity-Filter and place it in the plugin folder of your server. Once you have started your server, the plugin will generate a config file. Next, copy the token provided on the Domain page and paste it into the plugin config file. Finally, restart your server to apply the changes.
The "allow-external-connections" setting in our Minecraft server protection service is designed to prevent direct connections to your server without passing through Infinity-Filter. We strongly recommend keeping this setting turned off, as attackers and scanners may otherwise be able to find your backend IP and launch direct attacks.
Additionally, our "geyser-support" setting enables players using Geyser to connect to your server if you have added a Geyser backend. Note that if you are using the standalone version of Geyser, you will need to enable the "allow-external-connections" setting to allow Bedrock players to connect. However, if you are using Geyser as a plugin in your server, the "geyser-support" setting will enable players to connect without needing to turn on the "allow-external-connections" setting.
If you are using a proxy server in your Minecraft setup, be sure to only install our plugin in the proxy server, and not in the individual spigot servers.
If you encounter any issues with our plugin or if it conflicts with other plugins in your Minecraft server setup, we offer an alternative solution through our proxy-protocol feature. To enable this feature, simply go to the Backend tab in the control panel and toggle the Proxy Protocol switch.
Once you have enabled the proxy-protocol feature in the Infinity-Filter control panel, the next step is to enable it in your Minecraft server setup. Be sure to remove any existing Infinity-Filter plugins or configurations, as you cannot use both the plugin and the proxy-protocol at the same time.
To enable it in your minecraft server, simply follow these steps :
You need to enable the "proxy_protocol" setting in the config.yml file.
You need to enable the "haproxy-protocol" setting in the velocity.toml file.
You need to enable the "proxy-protocol" setting in the /config/paper-global.yml file
With Infinity-Filter installed and properly configured, your Minecraft server will be fully protected from threats and attacks, ensuring that your players can connect seamlessly and securely. If you encounter any issues or problems during the installation process, our dedicated support team is always available to assist you. Simply join our Discord channel and open a ticket, and our team will work with you to resolve any issues and ensure that your server is fully optimized and protected.